1. Why did you call the book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon?
Paul McGuire: We came up with the title Trumpocalypse when the term was being thrown around (by the media) when Donald Trump was running for president. It was a statement designed to suggest that President Trump, if elected president, would have a red-hot trigger finger on a nuke button, and plunge us into World War III or the end-times Apocalypse because of his behavior. Also, we wanted to use a title that would provoke interest both among Christians who are interested in President Trump and his role in the last days, but we also wanted to attract the interest of non-Christians so Trumpocalypse seemed like the best title that would bring in both people who believe in Jesus Christ and those who are secular.
Troy Anderson: Shortly after Trump’s bombshell election, Paul called me with the idea that would ultimately become Trumpocalypse. He was very passionate about the idea and Trump’s election and told me, “God has given us a spiritual nuclear weapon.” While we may never know what role our bestselling globalism expose The Babylon Code played in Trump’s campaign and election, we do know that nine months following the book’s release Trump announced what The Washington Post described as the central strategy of his campaign for president, “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.” A few days later, we spoke to our literary agent who told us that Trump’s election seemed like “almost a countermove against globalization.” Keying in on a meme spreading quickly in the media, he proposed calling the book Trumpocalypse. While the preliminary research and interviews for the book began shortly after we finished The Babylon Code in early 2015, I interviewed over fifty of the world’s most respected geopolitical, economic and military affairs experts, faith leaders, and biblical scholars from late 2016 through the summer of 2017 for Trumpocalypse—a book that Paul believes could “change the history of America and the world.”
2. What is Trumpocalypse about?
McGuire: Trumpocalypse covers a lot of territory. It deals first with the very real reality that there exists a global world order, a global elite, who run our nation and other nations. Trump was the first president in U.S. history who brought this front and center to the American public and made it tangible to them by explaining that the reason why the middle class and working class are suffering economically is precisely because of globalism and trade treaties, which Trump was the first president to expose. He caught flak from his own party, who are globalists, for this. He exposed that trade treaties were intentionally designed to destroy the standard of living for the American middle class and working class, and it’s the globalist trade treaties that caused the exodus of 80,000 manufacturing plants overseas. All the other presidents, both Republican and Democrat, went before the cameras, and lied to the American people and told them that these trade treaties would be an economic boom for America, create high-paying jobs, and enable the ordinary person to participate and acquire wealth in the global marketplace. Well, they knew that they were lying. They destroyed our economy and Trump was the first one to step forward and tell the truth about what globalism does, and that’s the real reason why he’s under attack 24/7 by the mainstream media, because the mainstream media is owned by just six globalist corporations who are controlled by a handful of globalists, and they don’t want the American people to know the truth. That’s why they attack Trump on nationalism and patriotism because their vision for the world is a one-world government, one-world religion and one-work economic system that God warned us about in Genesis 11 (Tower of Babel story). So, that’s just a tidbit of a rocket ride you will experience as you read this book. We expose in Trumpocalypse so much information that’s not been fully disclosed to the public. We open areas that have never been touched on by the media or even the alternative media.
Anderson: Trumpocalypse reveals the biggest, most suppressed and explosive story in the world. The result of a two-and-a-half-year journalistic investigation, Trumpocalypse explores the powerful geopolitical forces that want to topple the Trump presidency and end the free world as we know it. The book also exposes the globalist elite’s secret plan for humanity and campaign of mass deception. Using documentation gleaned from years of journalistic investigation and extensive interviews with over fifty of the world’s most respected geopolitical, economic, military affairs and intelligence experts, faith leaders, and biblical scholars, the book unmasks these elites as members of secret societies with deep occult connections who have gained control of America’s dominant institutions—government, education, entertainment, international banking, and even the media. Further, Trumpocalypse explores a series of catastrophic crises that many believe President Trump will face during his time in office, the coming global economic “reset” announced by International Monetary Fund officials, the initial rollout of microchip implants for workers worldwide, a high-level plot to assassinate the president, why Trump and millions of patriotic “deplorables” are fighting to stop the hidden agenda of the Establishment—and how the perplexing chaos enveloping the planet could paradoxically signal the beginning of the great end-time awakening.
3. The title of the book, Trumpocalypse, is timely. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is threatening to nuke America and Trump told the United Nations if Jong-un doesn’t back down he’s going to “totally destroy” North Korea. Experts say this is the worst nuclear crisis since the Cuban Missile Crisis. How do you foresee this playing out?
McGuire: First, we don’t call ourselves prophets. In our research, writings, and teachings, we deal with prophecies from Scripture—Bible prophecy—and prophecy as it relates to current events, but we don’t call ourselves prophets. But we did regularly seek the Lord’s guidance by studying his Word carefully and by praying, and all we can say is that there are so many things we wrote about in this book that were not major news stories when we were writing the book like the explosion of the North Korean crisis and other crises. We mean this humbly, but we feel God supernaturally guided the writing of this book because there are so many things in the book (that are unfolding now) that you would have thought we literally wrote the book yesterday, but in fact, it was written a while back. Secondly, again with humility, we truly believe and are praying that the Lord will use this book to bring a biblical revival to America, to change the direction of the spiritual warfare that seems to be lusting after the destruction of America, and that the Lord would use this book to ignite the hearts of Christians to their responsibility to be serious about Bible prophecy and win souls for Jesus Christ and occupy the land until he comes. We’ve believed from the beginning—through serious prayer and private meetings and interviews with the highest level Christian leaders—that this book contains a powerful message for President Donald Trump. We believe he needs to read this book, and we also believe that Vice President Mike Pence and many other people at the White House do too. It has been reported to us by people very close to the president that he is going to receive a copy of Trumpocalypse.
Anderson: In addition to the growing possibility of a major war, Trumpocalypse features what we and experts in geopolitics, economics, military affairs and eschatology believe the future may hold. These forecasts come amid a dizzying acceleration in prophetic events in recent decades. Throughout 2017, Jong-un has repeatedly threatened America with nuclear attack. In the fall of 2017, North Korea ended a 10-week pause in weapons testing by launching an intercontinental ballistic missile that military experts believe can reach Washington D.C. and the U.S. east coast. At a UN meeting, Trump said that unless Jong-un backs down, “We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea.” Retired Navy Admiral James Stavridis put the probability of a conventional war with North Korea at 50-50 and nuclear war at 10 percent. Frank von Hippel, a nuclear physicist and professor of public and international affairs emeritus at Princeton University and a member of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, keeper of the Doomsday Clock, estimated in an exclusive interview for Trumpocalypse that there is a 33 percent chance of a nuclear conflagration over the next decade. Meanwhile, the world economy is teetering, global debt levels are at a “two-century high-water mark,” the intensity and frequency of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and other catastrophic disasters are increasing, the world is experiencing an explosion in famine and pestilence, and moral depravity and religious apostasy is in hyperdrive. Just as the biblical prophets predicted thousands of years ago, global chaos is intensifying, as evil, violence, death, and destruction erupt worldwide. Amid this tsunami of end-time markers, the geopolitical tensions between the United States, North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran are among the greatest dangers. The situation is tantamount to playing Russian roulette with nuclear missiles, and could easily bring us right to the door of what the prophets warned would happen in the end times.
4. Trumpocalypse also delves into the secret plan of the globalist elite. What is the plan?
McGuire: One of the things that we hope our readers will discover after reading Trumpocalypse is that we have provided documentation from first-hand, credible sources, documentation from private sources, and documentation from mainstream historical references that are undisputed. It’s a matter of history, the historical record, and first-hand manuscripts of the planners of the New World Order, such as Aldous Huxley, author of the Brave New World and the creator of what is known as the “scientific dictatorship.” In Trumpocalypse, we document the fact that the globalist elite believes they are superior genetic human beings and that they have the Darwinian evolutionary right to rule over the masses. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, and Huxley openly wrote and said that we need to discard traditional values, and we need to go beyond that. What they were saying is that you’re allowed to do anything—kill, slaughter, murder, whatever—if it achieves your endgame. And their endgame is literally—and this is in their own words; we’re not exaggerating; we quote them in our book—for the globalist elite, what Huxley called the “scientific dictatorship” and some refer to as the “technocratic elite,” to control the world with a global government, global economic system, and global religion. There will only be two classes—an elite, master, god-ruling-class, and a massive slave class just like there was in ancient Babylon. They have many viewpoints. They believe one of the major problems we face is overpopulation, which is a complete mythology. As such, they are using chemical, technological, and biological agents to reduce population growth, as evidenced by the Georgia Guidestones, which we reference in our book. The Georgia Guidestones say that their goal is to reduce the Earth’s population to 500 million people in a pretty brief period of time.
Anderson: While many believe the rise of a world government is still decades away, the evidence we uncovered in Trumpocalypse strongly suggests the elite are in the final stages of implementing what is known in occult circles as the “Plan.” This stratagem transcends the traditional left vs. right paradigm, as the elite use both political parties as part of their global chess game to seize control of the world through their ancient code: “Order out of Chaos.” Their plot involves secretly triggering a nuclear conflict that starts in the Middle East, North Korea, or elsewhere, and then goes global. This will give them the public support they need to end the era of independent nation-states and establish a world government as predicted in the book of Revelation. This total surveillance society will involve compulsory microchip implants, artificial intelligence, and what famed author H.G. Wells foresaw as a “World Brain” designed to control humanity. In recent decades, an array of organizations, governments, and corporations have invested massive resources in achieving this goal. Today, elite globalists are using international trade treaties, climate change agreements, and transnational laws that weaken national sovereignty as strategies to create regional global governments, such as the European Union, that later can be merged into a world government. Surprisingly, a new Global Challenges Foundation survey of 8,101 people in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, South Africa, China, India, and Brazil found overwhelming support for the creation of a world government authority. The survey found that 71 percent think a “new supranational organization should be created to make enforceable global decisions to address global risks.” The poll also found that 62 percent of people now view themselves as “global citizens.” Our investigation reveals how powerful geopolitical forces want to overthrow the Trump presidency and America and replace it with what Brave New World author Aldous Huxley called the “scientific dictatorship.” This system is designed to bring in what Satanist Aleister Crowley described as the New Aeon—the Luciferian New World Order, or what is known in the book of Revelation as “Mystery, Babylon.”
5 These are shocking claims, even today. It sounds like a “conspiracy theory.” What is your response?
McGuire: That’s an excellent question, and that’s why we’ve worked as a team in the research and writing of this book. We knew that many people would potentially see this as a conspiracy theory, but the research that we’ve done is the highest order of research. It’s credible, it’s verifiable, and it stands the test of history and cross-examination if you will. We have provided empirical proof in Trumpocalypse that that is indeed the goal of the globalist elite.
Anderson: First, as readers of Trumpocalypse will discover, the term “conspiracy theory” was created by the CIA to discourage journalists and the public from investigating government corruption and abuses of power. Lance deHaven- Smith, a professor of public administration and policy at Florida State University, wrote in Conspiracy Theory in America that the term “conspiracy theory” was created by the CIA in 1967 as propaganda to encourage the media to lambast “conspiracy theories,” infuse the term with “powerfully negative associations,” and discourage investigation into corruption scandals. Further, we learned in research for this book that part of the “Plan” is to make it so unbelievable that people simply find it too hard to believe. Nonetheless, our research, interviews with former secret society members, and public statements made by the elite confirms that a global government, cashless society, and universal religion is indeed their goal.
6. A lot of people, about half the country, doesn’t like President Trump, and are upset about the things he says, the tweets he makes, his behavior, and so it’s hard for them to see him as a Christian, and yet in this book you say that God raised him up. How do you explain this?
McGuire: As the authors of Trumpocalypse, we sympathize with perceptions that people have about Trump, which some would characterize as emotional instability, reckless behavior, impulsivity evidenced by the constant tweets, and other personality traits that many people would consider to be bombastic. We understand that and we’re not defending that. We try to be as honest as we can in this. We say in the book that he’s an imperfect, flawed man, just like any other president. On a theological note, it’s important to understand that God raised up every president into office in the United States. He raised up President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton. The question is, which is one that we pose, although God raised up all our presidents, which ones among those that he raised up responded to the call and plan that he gave them as president. Which ones were faithful to God’s plans? Well, you say, that’s mystical. How can possibly anyone understand that? Well, yes, in one way it’s mystical and you should be hesitant to embrace irrational mysticism. But let’s just go back to trade treaties. President George W. Bush and President Obama—Republican and Democratic presidents—both swore to the American people that trade treaties are good for the American people, that they would increase financial prosperity, increase jobs, grow the economy, increase manufacturing, and that NAFTA, GATT and the TTP were good for us and we needed them. This includes, and we don’t mean this with any disrespect, George W. Bush who had a prayer supposedly with Billy Graham who led him to salvation. We’re not questioning his salvation. Only God knows that, but the reality is that none of these presidents are stupid. They had the highest-level economic advisors on earth, and they knew full well going into the trade treaties, and various globalist programs, that this would seriously destroy our economy, and it has. So, Trump, while everyone is all upset over his relatively mild personality imperfections, has heightened criticism, and yet on really critical issues such as lying to the American people, integrity in their economic programs, and not selling out to the elite globalists, all the other presidents fall short. We challenge the reader, and time doesn’t give us permission right now to go into all the details that we provide in the book, but when you finish reading Trumpocalypse, and you read the documentation and the facts that we’ve included, we believe that you will be absolutely convinced that, or we believe at the very least, that the poor perception you’ve developed regarding Trump may not be an accurate perception. All we’re asking people to do is, to be honest, both spiritually and intellectually.
Anderson: The Bible teaches that God “deposes kings and raises up others” (Daniel 2:21 NIV). This means that every political leader and head of state has been placed in their positions by God either for judgment or the good of the people. Like every other president, Trump was placed in office by God. He has come to power in one of the most biblically prophetic times in human history. The Bible further reveals that when God uses a man or a woman for his purposes, rarely is that person chosen because he or she is perfect. Despite his imperfections, we believe God has raised up Trump to fight the globalist elites and their plan to unleash the New World Order on humanity.
7. Trump has been in office about a year now. The stock market is hitting record highs, unemployment is falling, and the economy is doing quite well. A lot of people thought the economy might crash after Trump got elected, yet in Trumpocalypse you say that the elite are planning a global economic “reset.” How do you explain this?
McGuire: The question is right on, and we’re dealing with several dynamics here. One of which is that it appears Trump went into office with a very strong economic belief system based on populist, capitalist economic theories to make America great again, and he brings—unlike the other politicians who are essentially the sons and daughters of the elite class and the wealthy—his decades of experience working in the business world with real economics. So, we wrote in Trumpocalypse that he’s had to make minor compromises, but the reality is that nobody walks into the White House and gets everything they want. They must work with other people. There must be some give and take. He’s a businessman and that’s the reality of how you get things done. So, he appears to be staying the course of maintaining conservative, capitalist, economic growth policies, and yet he has in his administration in advisory capacities former high-level members of the Federal Reserve, the international banks, and he even met with Henry Kissinger who is considered one of the main architects of the New World Order. So, one of the things our book shows—we probe into this and talk about things that most people probably haven’t read or seen before—is that he has obviously demonstrated a willingness to work with people who have different points of views than he has. The constant allegation about the authoritarian personality is a complete inaccuracy.
Anderson: While the economy is doing quite well now, Trump’s presidency doesn’t mean the world’s colossal problems, including unparalleled levels of national, corporate, and consumer debt exceeding $217 trillion globally, have somehow disappeared. As the elite plan a cashless society, a recent International Monetary Fund report written by two Harvard University professors found that debt levels in the Western world are approaching a “two-century high-water mark” and the “endgame of the global fiscal crisis” will require a “restructuring” of the world’s economic system. In early 2014, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde gave a speech at the National Press Club, making enigmatic statements, even using the term “magic” and talking about numerology. The speech preceded an interview with Bloomberg at the World Economic Forum where she spoke of why it’s important to “reset” the global economy. In this talk, Lagarde communicated her belief—and by implication, the financial elite’s belief—in the occult, magic, and numerology. Many members of the highest-level international banking families who control the global economic system are members of secretive organizations that make decisions and plans based on numerology. Considering the world’s record levels of debt, which experts say can never be paid off, and Lagarde’s remarks, we explore in Trumpocalypse what this “reset” will look like, how soon it might happen, and how it will impact all our lives.
8. Do you think an economic “reset” or crash is coming in 2018, or the near future, with global debt levels so high?
McGuire: In our book Trumpocalypse we deal with the IMF, Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, and her occult beliefs, and we document and deal with the global financial system and show the reader the reasons why they should be extremely concerned. We expose the real meaning behind the soft words, the global economic “reset” or reboot. I mean that sounds cute. You just push the reset button, and everything will work, but that economic reset or reboot may well involve the destruction of the U.S. dollar, the destruction of other national currencies, and the injection of a cashless world currency and ultimately a microchip implant.
Anderson: While no one knows how soon the economic “reset” or financial crash may occur, the experts we interviewed for Trumpocalypse believe it could happen relatively soon. After all, few expected the economic cataclysm that unfolded in 2006-2007, and we’re now in one of the nation’s longest economic expansions in America’s history. Interestingly, the January 2017 cover of The Economist magazine, which his partially owned by the Rothschild banking dynasty family, is layered with tarot cards, including the Trump Judgment card, the Death card featuring a nuclear mushroom cloud, and the Hermit card depicting the mass of humanity carrying red and blue flags, protesting trade treaties and the European Union, and walking blissfully off a cliff. Some experts in occult symbolism believe the elite plan to unleash a financial collapse on Trump’s watch, blame it on principles of nationalism, and then carry out their “Plan” with the blessings of a world traumatized by a cataclysmic financial meltdown. Even more curious, the 1988 cover of The Economist featured a red Phoenix standing amid a burning pile of money with the headline, “Get Ready for a World Currency.” Around the Phoenix’s desk was a chain holding a coin with the year “2018” minted on it.
9. Trumpocalypse features among the last two interviews with Billy Graham and Dr. Tim LaHaye, two of the most prominent faith leaders in America, talking about the end times. In fact, in your first book, The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery, Graham said the solution for America is to repent and turn back to God. LaHaye said the same thing. The last chapter of Trumpocalypse calls on the president to call for The National Day of Repentance. We haven’t had one since Abraham Lincoln was president. What would you like to say about this call to action in the conclusion of the book?
McGuire: During writing this book, we had the opportunity to conduct private interviews with Dr. Tim LaHaye, Anne Graham Lotz, and many other major Christian leaders. There is a passionate and growing spiritual concern among Christian leaders that God is giving us one last opportunity to reach this nation for Christ—a divine reprieve if you will. So, one of the spiritual purposes of this book is to help communicate that message and help facilitate The National Day of Repentance. It’s our prayer that every person reading this book because we show from the history of America why God has chosen America for a special and unique purpose in the last days, would join us in calling on the president to call for The National Day of Repentance. When Trump says, ‘Make America Great Again,’ that isn’t all that far off field because based on our research and studies, and interviews with Christian leaders, we recognize that America is the last nation on Earth that still has the economic strength and the constitutional freedoms that will allow us to preach the gospel around the world, make disciples of all nations and to occupy until Christ comes. But the key thing is that we as Christians need to repent and cry out to the Lord.
Anderson: From the colonial era through the Civil War, presidents often called for a Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer—a sacred time when the nation would repent of its sins before God. However, President Abraham Lincoln was the last president to call for such a day. Since then, several presidents have called for a Day of Prayer, but none have called for America to humble itself before God and repent of its sins. Now, as America approaches the 155th anniversary of Lincoln’s National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer on March 30, we and other faith leaders are urging Trump to address the nation and world in a globally-televised event from the Oval Office as part of The National Day of Repentance. Kevin Jessip, founder and president of the Global Strategic Alliance, a ministry seeking to restore Judeo-Christian values that are helping coordinate the event, has asked Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, and other faith leaders, to lead the nation in a period of prayer and fasting prior to the president’s proclamation. In an exclusive interview, Billy Graham compared America to ancient Nineveh. When the prophet Jonah traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God’s warning, the king and the people repented, and Nineveh was spared. Graham believes the same thing can happen in America today. “The United States is going to have to turn from its evil ways…,” Graham said. “First, we need to repent of our sin and turn back to God; that’s the biblical admonition through the Old and New Testaments…. We need spiritual renewal now. And it can begin today in each one of our lives, as we repent before God and yield ourselves to him and his Word.
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