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The Babylon Code In The News :Troy And Paul’s Interview on TruNews with Rick Wiles ( Video) 11-12-15
The Babylon Code In The News :Troy And Paul's Interview on TruNews with Rick Wiles ( Video) 11-12-15
This video is about The Babylon Code In The News : Troy And Paul's Interview on TruNews with Rick Wiles ( Video) 11-12-2015 – Troy Anderson and Paul McGuire, authors ofThe Babylon Code. On this day’s program, Rick spends the hour with Troy Anderson and Paul McGuire, authors of “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery.” The interview delves into the the powerful forces at work to create a global government, cashless society, and universal religion as predicted by the prophets of old. Read more at https://www.trunews.com/thursday-november-12-2015-troy-anderson-and-paul-mcguire/#6c5WkDWjFD0iHHi6.99.
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The Babylon Code In The News : Troy And Paul’s Interview on Cornerstone TV Network’s Real Life Show (Video)
The Babylon Code In The News : Troy And Paul's Interview on Cornerstone TV Network's Real Life Show (Video)
Find out in our new bestselling investigative book The Babylon Code – one of the top 5 prophecy books on Amazon. Watch my co-author Paul McGuire and I discuss the results of our five-year journalistic investigation on the Cornerstone Television Network's Real Life program.on 11-09-15.
It began over 36 years ago – in a vision God gave Norma Bixler during a chance visit to the Christian Broadcasting Network. Sitting there in the lobby of that still-fledgling network, she heard a clear call that God wanted her and her husband, Russ, to build a Christian television station back home in Pittsburgh. It took many months and some marvelous revelations before Russ came to share that conviction – and even then, the couple found that they had their work cut out for them. Their prospective station faced nearly every imaginable hurdle – financial, legal, personal, logistical… and one by one, over the next ten years, God helped them over, under, around, and through each obstacle – with miracle after affirming miracle – to realize the vision He’d given them.
Again and again, God echoed in the Bixler’s hearts the words of Isaiah 49:22: “Thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations, and raise My Signal to the peoples.'”
That signal was first broadcast on Easter Sunday, April 15, 1979 – and in the three decades since, God has used Cornerstone TeleVision in powerful ways to bring His Word to people all over America and beyond through preaching, music, drama, and a rich variety of other programs— programs that continue to touch lives and transform hurting souls with the truth and love of Jesus Christ – one heart at a time.
Along the way, God has guided and helped Cornerstone TeleVision through the inspiring leadership of men like Pat Robertson, Loren Cunningham, Jim Bakker, and Ron Hembree (who led the station as president from 2003 until his death in 2010).
In addition to Russ and Norma Bixler, Cornerstone was birthed and sustained…
…through the remarkable talents of dedicated professionals like Bill Freeman, Oleen Eagle (past president), Stan Scott, and Eleanor Clarke…
…and through the faithful gifts and generous support of countless caring Christians who volunteered their time, their talents, their prayers, and even their life savings to make the vision of Christian television a reality.
In this new season, Cornerstone TeleVision is blessed to have a new president, Donald Black, who is committed to remembering our history of partnership— even as he envisions new plans for our future! Thank you for helping us “Raise high His Signal.” We are here for you!
A Lens through which We See Man’s Rebellious Response to the Plan of the LORD God
It is the greatest riddle in the Bible. It is also the key insight conveying the context of the whole message of the scripture. What am I talking about? Mystery Babylon. What is Mystery Babylon? Why does the Bible call it, Mystery Babylon? When did this “cosmic colossus” appear? Does it still exist today? Will it exist again in the future? How does it relate to the Kingdom of God? What does it tell us about where we are in the prophetic timeline of events soon coming to pass on the earth?
A new book, The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-times Mystery (Faith Words) by eschatology pundit Paul McGuire and award-winning and Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist Troy Anderson, delves into these questions with an earnestness and candor that few prominent persons teaching today about eschatology are willing to attempt. In short, The Babylon Code seeks answers to the issues raised above by zeroing in on the riddle of “Mystery, Babylon”. They more than do the questions justice in their comprehensive investigation and in depth analysis.
I had the pleasure of spending two days with Paul McGuire during the week of October 19, 2015. The occasion was to interview Paul extensively on behalf of the ministry of Prophecy in the News. Regular host Kevin Clarkson was called out of town unexpectedly and requested I substitute as they were “in a pinch”. It was a much-appreciated summons for me for several reasons. One of those was just to get the opportunity to spend time with Paul McGuire. I knew Paul casually from previous conferences where we had shared a podium. I soon discovered however, that Paul and I are kindred spirits on so many levels. Having myself written extensively on Mystery Babylon in several of my books, we had some deep discussions during our taping four, 28-minute programs that will air during the months of November and December (they will also be viewable at the Prophecy in the News website, www.prophecyinthenews.com a bit after their respective television runs across the country).
I also communicated with Troy Anderson during Paul’s visit. I know Troy from several phone conversations we’ve had. Troy interviewed me extensively for The Babylon Code over a year ago and quoted my words from the interview numerous times in the book, along with citations from two of my books Lying Wonders of the Red Planet and The Final Babylon, I co-wrote with Douglas W. Krieger and Dene McGriff. I was one of over 100 interviews Troy carried out. One of the stylistic features of the book has to do with Troy incorporating his investigative journalistic skills, along with scores of quotations from many different sources, those friendly to the Bible’s eschatological point of view as well as other experts who are highly regarded in their respective fields, but not necessarily favorable toward a biblical perspective. The Babylon Code, whether dealing with “friend or foe” treats all its sources fairly and from my personal example, accurately.
How The Babylon Code Affirms that Mystery Babylon’s Disclosure Is Not So Speculative Here is a synopsis of The Babylon Code referencing Paul’s and Troy’s words from the beginning of the book:
“Prophetic enigma that begins in Genesis at the Tower of Babel and ends in Revelation with the Battle of Armageddon. The prediction involves “Mystery, Babylon”—the Bible’s great end times riddle—and reveals how an elite group of wealthy globalists and their interlocking network of translational corporations, international banks, government agencies, think tanks, foundations and secret societies are working to create a global government, cashless society and universal religion as predicted in Scripture” (pp. 1-2)
The authors then go on to ask two poignant questions:
Is it possible that God embedded a code in the Bible that could only be cracked in the end times? What if by decoding this prophetic cryptogram we could unlock the secret to both our salvation and our survival? Readers will ultimately have to decide for themselves whether Paul and Troy deliver the goods on answering these questions; however, there is no debating that they attempt to do so with a “no holds barred” approach that easily takes them into the deep waters of conspiracy theories as well as alarming assertions contained within the many citations and their “telling it like it is” analysis. We will discern their direct approach even in this book review.
One aspect that struck me early on in the book is that their assessment aligns with many Americans. In some respects, despite the astounding revelations and somewhat unconventional contentions made in the pages of The Babylon Code, the book’s main theses resonate with what scientific polls demonstrate a major portion of conservative American citizens believe to be true. Here are some of those surprising numbers:
4 in 10 Americans and 77 percent of evangelical Christians believe the “world is now living in the biblical end times”. 80 percent of Americans fear a second holocaust in Israel and 68 percent fear a “nuclear holocaust” in the U.S. while 84 percent of Americans fear ISIS will soon launch terrorist attacks inside the U.S. Meanwhile, 28 percent of American voters believe a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is working to create an authoritarian world government. 40 percent of Republicans agree. 19 percent of Americans believe secret societies such as Yale’s Skull and Bones produce American and political and financial leaders to serve the wealthy elite. 17 percent of voters think a group of world bankers is slowing eliminating paper currency to create a cashless society and global economic system. Apparently, despite what the oft-vocal critics may say, conspiracy theorists constitute a large section of American society. Personally, I would speculate that embedded in these numbers is a deep-seated cynicism regarding politicians not telling us the truth and disingenuously “seeking out our best interests”. Truly, this state of affairs constitutes the greatest tragedy in the political establishment of our day – and it is made far worse by the unwillingness of congressional leadership to “call a spade a spade”, demand dramatic reform in term limits, and establish better regulations for political donations. Career politicians and how they are elected, more often than not, constitute the bane of our American system.
In like manner, the foundation of The Babylon Code nails down a number of uncomfortable facts that also underscore why we are living in unparalleled times. McGuire’s and Anderson’s litany of admitted realities (just like the polling numbers cited earlier), adds considerable weight to the book’s argument that we must grapple with the meaning of Mystery, Babylon without delay:
Nations drown in unparalleled debt. Fears of hyperinflation and economic collapse. Growing Russian/American tensions. ISIS’ warnings to the West that they intend to bring about Armageddon for the non-Islamic world. Iran may already have nuclear weapons and may use them against Israel or the U.S. The World Economic Forum indicates that unprecedented natural disasters, e.g., global drought, mega-earthquakes, tsunamis, the Yellowstone super-volcano… are real threats. Solar Storms intensifying weather systems like (F5) tornadoes and category five hurricanes. Massive food and water shortages. During our interview, I brought these points out and then asked Paul if he really believed that “times are tougher” now and that we really are perched on the precipice of the apocalypse. The response he fired back was very much on point. Paul indicated that the real difference is today’s technology, how fast decisions are made and how far-reaching those choices are, whether we are dealing with the matter of a cashless society and economic control, the vast effects of weapons of mass destruction, and the efficacy (or lack thereof) of measures to deter massive epidemics. Moreover, when one considers the recent disclosures regarding the NSA and its “invasion of privacy,” the reality of “Big Brother” watching us is no longer Orwellian fiction. We are living the nightmare today in the name of protecting society from terrorism. Other topics such as the coming of Ray Kurzweil’s “singularity” and covert advances in so-called transhumanism also threaten the sovereignty of the individual and the sanctity of the human race. In short, the “imminent great extinction event” now discussed by scientists, short of a biblical rescue via the Second Coming of Christ, comprises an outcome that the odds seem to favor. Armageddon is more than a biblical allusion to the book of Revelation and a literal valley in northern Israel. It is frequent metaphor representing our dismal near-term future employed by many intellectuals in our day.
Enumerating the Incarnations of Babylon To understand the essence of Mystery, Babylon, one does indeed need to break the code. So much of the encryption used by John the Revelator (whom I believe was John the Apostle), employs the symbols and images used by the Prophets of God prior to the time of Jesus Christ. In fact, this is the first place where the authors quote yours truly. Last year, Troy and I discussed the meaning of the term mystery in the Bible and I pointed out it is used in many different places, often to underscore the importance of and the relation to a great truth not previously disclosed by God to his people until He deemed the time was right (e.g., mysterion is applied to the gospel of Jesus Christ, the rapture of the people of God, the coming lawlessness of the Antichrist, and the great empire of the end times). Regarding the implications about using mysterion to distinguish the third and final form of the empire of Babylon, i.e., “Mystery” Babylon, I am quoted in The Babylon Code as follows:
“(Mysterion was connected to) gnosis, and it is secret knowledge that only the initiated can know… The Apostle John uses the term to suggest it’s not an obvious truth. It seems to be somewhat hidden and so it takes some searching—it takes some degree of initiation, if you will—to understand. Like most mysteries in the Book of Revelation, the mysteries are basically broken; the code is broken—as my mamma would say—‘If you know your Old Testament.’” (pp. 37-38)
But another crucial way to get up to speed on what Mystery, Babylon comprises is to grasp the essentials about the previous Babylons of the Bible.
Indeed, the book spends considerable space dealing with the pictures of two previous Babylon’s and what they teach us about “Mystery, Babylon.” The first was the Babylon of Nimrod, the infamous world leader who built the Tower of Babel (circa 2,000 B.C. but perhaps long before this time). The second was the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar II, the King of Babylon featured in the Book of Daniel (circa 600 B.C). In both cases, one of the signature features of Babylonian society was its occult nature. Anderson and McGuire state:
‘Mystery, Babylon’ was a secret system of knowledge that an ancient ruler named Nimrod tapped into when he built the Tower of babel and Ancient Babylon. Under Nimrod’s rule, ancient man believed that the human race could survive and prosper by creating a worldwide government, economy and religion. Babylon was ruled by a secret society known as ‘Mystery, Babylon.’ Under this system mankind believed that it could accomplish anything and become gods. (p. 13, emphasis added) Indeed, a crucial aspect of these Babylons was the fact that they comprised not one but three important attributes. As my co-authors and I pointed out in The Final Babylon, the Revelation of John states this plainly: “that great city is split into three parts” (Revelation 16:19).
First, its preeminent attribute is the religious system that originated much of the world’s occult or “mystery” religions, later taught in secret societies as passed down through the ages (notoriously practiced in Rosicrucianism, Illuminism, and even today at least in part in most forms of Freemasonry).
Secondly, there was the characteristic of a sophisticated economic system. The notion of money was invented, as was mathematics as a means to manipulate not just measure reality. (Numerology, the decimal system – “base 10” vs. “base 12” as used by the Hebrews – and the occult meaning of various numbers in fact began in Babylon). The authors indicate, “that despite the judgment against the Tower of Babel, the dark occult teachings of Mystery, Babylon were passed on from generation to generation through secret occult societies that arose in Egypt, Rome, China, South America and even America.” (p. 13) In other words, the lasting legacy of Babylon includes the occult teachings intrinsic to Theosophy and today’s New Age movement. This religion went global at the beginnings of recorded civilization.
Thirdly, Babylon was characterized by political and military power enabling Babylon to become an empire of exalted stature. We know that from the sixth century to the first century BC, the great city of Babylon was the capital of many empires: Babylon itself was the first, the Medes-and-Persian empire that conquered Babylon the night when Belshazzar saw “the writing on the wall” was the second, and the empire of Alexander the Great and the Seleucid empire which followed (the Persian kingdom of the Macedonian dynasty that followed Alexander in the Hellenistic eastern empire) was the third consecutive empire laying claim to the city of Babylon as it capital. Remember also that the writers of the New Testament referred to Rome as Babylon in the New Testament, even after Rome swallowed up and extinguished the Greek empire (but not its culture – as we call the amalgamation of Rome and Greece the Greco-Roman empire). However, Babylon itself, biblically speaking, refers to the “kingdoms of this world” that oppose the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Babylon is the City of Humankind while Jerusalem is the Holy City, the City of God.
The Babylon Code goes on to state where this is all headed:
Today, for the first time in history since Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel, the potential of a global government and cashless society is within mankind’s reach. All the necessary components are in place for creating a socialistic world government—the surveillance state, political bodies such as the United Nations, electronic banking and microchip implants. (p. 15)
In interviewing Paul in person, he explained that Babylon, the last Babylon of the Bible, comprises two distinctive realities. One is a “cosmic city” that represents the rebellion of humankind. It exists throughout time, it has been located in many geographical locations, and it has known many different leaders. However, this cosmic city incorporates a “spirit” and that spirit may be rightly called the Spirit of the Antichrist. It stands opposed to the God of the Bible – this is its unifying theme. And while many speculate that the physical Babylon on the Euphrates River in Iraq will someday be rebuilt and restored as a literal city that will constitute at least one of several capital cities claimed by a future, physical antichrist (aka the “Little Horn” of Daniel, “The Man of Fierce Countenance” and “The Assyrian” as well as over twenty other biblical names), McGuire indicates he believes there will be a literal, physical Babylon during the final days before Christ returns. He is non-committal on whether that city is in Iraq, Europe, or even in America (as in New York City or Washington D.C.), but he does not deny that it will be a physical municipality (and represent a country as great cities symbolically do).
The Conspirators that Lead Mystery, Babylon The Babylon Code contends that at the core of the socialist syndicate are wealthy elites, many of whom are consciously aware that they connect to genealogies that trace themselves back to Charlemagne (800 A.D.), the Roman Caesars (100 B.C. to 400 A.D.), the Pharaohs of Egypt (2800 B.C. to 300 B.C.), and some believe, all the way back to Nimrod himself (2000 B.C.?). McGuire and Anderson don’t shy away from applying the often-used label “illuminati” to this cabal (despite its being discounted in popular culture and denied by virtually all academics). Whether employing the moniker illuminati or not, the label speaks to a creed consciously acknowledged and secretly avowed by the families that clandestinely believe they were established in pre-history by the gods themselves as the rightful anointed kings of the earth.
Quoting the authors:
Are the illuminati still in existence? Is it—as some researchers have claimed—made up of 13 wealthy and powerful families who trace their bloodlines back to the royalty of Europe, Rome, Egypt and even ancient Babylon? … Or is the Illuminati” simply the pop culture term for the real power structure in today’s world, the plutocracy—the elitists who exercise power over the planet’s governments by virtue of their extreme wealth?” (pp. 26-27)
They also cite the well-known Grand Poobah among all conspiracy theorists, Jim Marrs:
“The Rothschild banking dynasty, for example, they believe themselves to the descendants of Nimrod who was the ancient god-king of Sumer… So there is a strange aspect to the whole thing, and yet when you actually begin to study it there is quite compelling evidence that this ruling elite—this 1 percent, this New World Order bunch, this Illuminati, whatever you want to call them—is actually just one and the same of the bloodlines that have come down through antiquity.” (p. 27)
Who are the families? The book doesn’t spell out the 13 names of these families, but many are easily guessed. Without exception, the names that McGuire cites in person dominate the Western world, America as well as England, Ireland, and the rest of continental Europe. No, the names aren’t Turkish, Saudi Arabian, or Persian. Babylon and the likely Antichrist himself do not appear to be natives of the Middle East although that view constitutes a popular argument among prophecy aficionados today.
The Book’s Conclusion and My Final Assessment The authors are careful in drawing conclusions regarding several controversial topics that occupy the minds and debates of prophecy buffs at this moment.
One: the book does not indicate that it is too late for the world to repent and therefore, we are not destined to see the world end on a particular day or even during a particular year. Date setters will be disappointed if such a one looks for an argument that spells out when the Lord returns. Secondly: the argument for the timing of the rapture does not receive quarter in this book. In talking to Paul in person, I know he has definite views but he is deliberate in avoiding the debate. He believes, as do I, that debating the timing of the rapture is a divisive matter that appears to do the Church of Jesus Christ more harm than good. Not that the scripture teaches self-contradictory rapture doctrine. It clearly teaches the rapture as part of the resurrection and together they comprise “the blessed hope”; but scripture can be (and certainly is) adduced to support numerous differing points of view. Thirdly: the authors don’t wish to point to any one city or nation and say, “This is the final Babylon of the last days.” They leave open the possibility that Rome, London, or some other European city (or an American one) will comprise the final capital of Antichrist. I would add that most scholars believe Jerusalem itself will be conquered for a time by Antichrist (see Zachariah 14:1-2) and may come to be considered his religious capital during his final moments on earth.
I do disagree with The Babylon Code and with my friends Paul and Troy in this respect. And that is certainly clear to both authors since their book on numerous occasions, cites mine The Final Babylon, that explicitly argues America constitutes the physical country, and the megalopolis of New York and Washington D.C. is its economic and political capital. It is my considered view that the U.S. comprises the economic, political, and even to some extent, the spiritual powerbase of the Antichrist (especially if one properly understands the spiritual connection between the merchants and the Ba’al religion of Jezebel/Europa/Libertas aka the emblematic harlot that rides the beast and enslaves the souls of men). Of course, my co-authors Krieger and McGriff of The Final Babylon agree that Babylon represents the “cosmic city opposed to Christ” as The Babylon Code avers, but we aren’t afraid to point a finger at our country and lay blame to the evils we as a nation have committed, most of which are rather apparent since the time of the Cold War forward. We are plainspoken when it comes to why we believe the United States comprises Mystery, Babylon. We do, however, leave open the possibility as friend John Price (author of The End of America) does, that America may be a distinct mysterious figure, the “daughter of Babylon” mentioned in Jeremiah 50, 51; Zechariah 2; Psalm 137; and Isaiah 13.
In fact, a lingering mystery exists whether there is a distinction between this “daughter of Babylon” that appears to be destroyed even before the Great Tribulation and thus, before the final destruction of “that great city” (as depicted in Revelation 18:2, 8), when it is burned with fire by the ten kings and the Beast himself.
We read in Revelation that the kings of the earth and the Antichrist, despite their intimate relationship with the harlot will hate this “woman that rides the Beast” whose forehead is emblazoned with the name “Mystery, Babylon”. In fact, perhaps one of my few criticisms of the book is that the passages describing the daughter of Babylon aren’t strictly addressed. Furthermore, the connection between the merchants of Tarshish (Ezekiel 39 and elsewhere), the King of Tyre (Ezekiel 28, which is also considered a description of Satan himself), and the name Canaanite (which literally means “merchant”) is not explored much in The Babylon Code at all. The whole argument we bring to the forefront in The Final Babylon regarding the historical connection of Tyre and Sidon, Canaan, Carthage, the Phoenicians, Tarshish, and the settlement of North America by the “young lions” of the Merchants of Tarshish (generally seen as the colonies of the English and probably the Spanish) supplies a highly compelling argument for why America is rightly identifiable as the fulfillment of the prophecies of last days’ Babylon.
I would though, in conclusion, wish to express a “job well done” to Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson. The book assembles so many aspects of what is going wrong with our world and why we are heading down what appears to many of us as an irreversible course to destruction. It is a wonderful read and an excellent sourcebook to tell the story of what lies just before us. In the wonderful investigative style of Troy Anderson, it offers a highly documented and convincing account of why secret societies are instrumental in what has come to pass in the twenty-first century and why this confirms the biblical prophecies. And yet, as Paul McGuire says in person and in his personal testimony at the conclusion of the book, hope is always an element of the Christian faith—even in these very dark days. To cite Paul’s words directly “But if God’s people are truly willing to repent and seek his face, God will offer his supernatural mercy and send us a biblical, last day’s revival and Great Awakening that would, to a significant degree, drive back the powers of darkness and supernaturally protect God’s people.” (p. 311)
Even so, may the Spirit of the Lord revive us again after impressing upon our nation that we must repent and do so right now! For if we do not, the judgments of God—the seals, trumpets, and bowls of wrath described so graphically in the book of Revelation—are at the door ready to overwhelm us.
President Obama’s new “Strong Cities Network,” announced with little fanfare last week at the United Nations, appears to be another effort to strip authority from local police departments and to demonize conservative Christians, say advocates of civil and religious liberties.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, shown here with Baltimore police, announced the new “Strong Cities Network” to plug local departments into international cooperation and “shared resources” with their peers across the globe.
The stated goal of the program is to connect local police departments with their peers around the world in an effort to combat “violent extremism,” according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who announced the program to the U.N. on Sept. 30.
Lynch, with New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio by her side, told world leaders that the time has come for a more globalized and comprehensive effort to combat violent extremism. She said:
“Until now, we have lacked that mechanism. We haven’t had the benefit of sustained or coordinated cooperation among the growing number of cities and municipalities that are confronting this ongoing challenge. Communities have too often been left isolated and alone. But through the Strong Cities Network that we have unveiled today, we are making the first systematic effort in history to bring together cities around the world to share experiences, to pool resources and to forge partnerships in order to build local cohesion and resilience on a global scale. Today we tell every city, every town and every community that has lost the flower of its youth to a sea of hatred – you are not alone. We stand together and we stand with you.”
Amazon's #1 New Release in Christian Eschatology and Christian Prophecy. ORDER PAUL McGUIRE & TROY ANDERSON'S EXCITING NEW BOOK "THE BABYLON CODE" TODAY & RECEIVE 25%OFF!
Blasio called it a global coalition of cities seeking to combat extremism and terrorism in all of its “many forms,” and he assured the ACLU that the program would not lead to the profiling of Muslims.
So far, about two dozen other cities have signed up including Paris, London, Mumbai, Montreal, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver, Tunis, Oslo, Beirut and Palermo, among others.
Pastor Shahram Hadian of the Everette, Washington-based Truth in Love Project, said it’s no coincidence that the project was launched at the United Nations.
“So who are they going to target when they talk about violent extremism?” asked Hadian, a former Muslim who grew up in Iran and now travels nationwide teaching churches and law enforcement about the dangers of Shariah law. “Well, if you look at their track record, it always seems to be that your violent extremists are your Christians, your veterans and your Second Amendment advocates.”
National media blackout
Paul McGuire, a Fox News and History Channel contributor who has authored several books including the new release, “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery,” said it’s also interesting how little media coverage was given to Obama’s Strong Cities global policing program. “There was no national media coverage whatsoever of the Strong Cities Network; it was completely buried,” McGuire said. “So the question is, why? This is massive because it’s such a contradiction to the Constitution, and there was no consultation with Congress, and they did a complete end-run around everything that our Constitution stands for.”
Like Hadian, McGuire sees a sinister motive in the use of the term “violent extremism,” which he said is an attempt to draw a moral equivalency among all religions, even though 99 percent of all religious-based violence in the world today involves Muslims killing non-Muslims.
“That’s code for ‘We’re going to crack down on Christian values and conservative values,’ because they’ve already announced that they’re pro-Islamic,” McGuire said. “Proof that both political parties are involved in this, is the fact that not one single Republican has brought it up. This is a direct intrusion of the U.N. into the sovereign status of the U.S. at every level, and not one single Republican brought it up.”
WND reported in August that the Obama administration is, indeed, targeting conservatives in its campaign against “violent extremism.” The FBI, according to the report, sent out a bulletin to state, local and national law enforcement warning of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists” even though no proof of such an impending attack existed.
Police and veterans are also under pressure to conform to Obama’s agenda of giving special concern to Muslims and other minorities in the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.
Hadian said that as racial tensions increase in U.S cities, often stoked by paid outside radicals to whom the government turns a blind eye, it appears Obama is trying to goad the so-called “right wingers” into an attack.
“They tried the race bait, and it hasn’t really happened the way they had planned,” he said. “Perhaps Muslim baiting is now a part of their plan, even though the true narrative is the exact opposite as we’ve seen in Roseburg, Oregon, and in Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Oklahoma City; Fort Hood, Texas; and the Boston Marathon.”
In each of those attacks, Muslims or Muslim sympathizers were identified as the attackers, with their targets being innocent Christians, civilians or the military.
Even in Charleston, South Carolina, it was black Christians who were targeted, in that case by an anti-Christian young white man, Dylan Roof, with mental health problems.
When a young Muslim couple was killed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, last year in an argument over a parking space, the Council for American-Islamic Relations tried to paint the crime as motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry. This theory was debunked by all the evidence collected by police, but CAIR has never retracted its statements.
So CAIR, in bed with federal law enforcement, is looking hard to pin a “hate crime” on a conservative Christian so they will have their poster child for a police-state crack down on free speech along with new gun-control laws, Hadian said.
“That’s CAIR’s modus operandi now, saying not just that you’re an Islamophobe but that you’re inciting violence (against Muslims) whenever you say anything critical of Islam,” Hadian said.
CAIR was exposed as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-financing trial ever conducted on U.S. soil, yet several of its leaders have gone on to fill advisory roles within the Obama administration.
‘Waiting for someone to attack a Muslim’
So the threat to Christians is real, said Hadian, and that’s why it’s important to balance the truth about Islam and its Quranic calls to jihad and Shariah with a call for evangelization and love.
“It’s not about hating Muslims. We want to save them, reach out to them with the truth of the gospel, and we know this is a spiritual battle,” he said. “At the same time, we are becoming targets. It seems like at everyone one of these (mass shooting) events they are going to go out of their way to paint the extremist as some right-wing guy, and it just seems to fall apart every time they try to push that narrative.” “I have no problem encouraging people to defend their homes and their lives, but we certainly don’t need to go on the offensive because this is what they are looking for,” Hadian said. “They’re waiting for someone to attack a Muslim so they can say, ‘Aha, see, I told you so.’”
‘Eyes in the sky’
Enlisting global “cooperation” against the “violent extremist” should send chills down the spine of every American, said John Whitehead, a constitutional lawyer, founder of the Rutherford Institute and author of “Battlefield America: The War on the American People.”
“As I have been saying for quite a while, we have practically moved into a global government already,” Whitehead told WND.
“You look at the NSA’s Five Eyes Program, and this is spread around the world,” he said. “They’ve created basically an electronic concentration camp, and they’re working with Google to do it. In essence, globalism armed with technology is going to happen and under Obama we’ve moved closer and closer to federalizing the police. The FBI is moving into several local police departments, most recently in Oakland (California). Their main job is to use social media to track people.”
Now, with Strong Cities Network, U.S. cities will be cooperating and “sharing resources” with foreign governments around the world. Local police are already training with FBI, DHS and even the military. Obama’s new program lays the groundwork for them to train with foreign police units under the banner of the U.N.
“With the Strong Cities program we see the goal is to have global police, so it’s going to be very hard to rein in global cops,” Whitehead said. “Cops who were trained locally are going by the wayside, dealing solely with local cops is going to be a thing of the past. It’s sort of in your face, it’s saying the U.N. is going to be a global police force, working in this country one way or the other. New York City, L.A., Chicago are going to lead the way. Americans better get ready for this because what it means is, our Constitution is being replaced, and the constitutional protections we have will be gone.”
Among the first steps taken will involve merging some of the law-enforcement capacities within regions, with U.S. cops cooperating more closely with those of Mexico and Canada, Whitehead said.
“They’re working to fuse them together, so local autonomy, local authority, will be diluted and eventually eliminated,” he said. “They’re already globalizing, technology demands it.
“Google is moving quickly with robotics, driverless cars, and coordinating everything on the web under one umbrella,” he continued. “Amazon was paid $600 million to build an intelligence cloud for the FBI, DHS and CIA.”
Eric Schmidt, the renowned software engineer, is involved in international elitist groups such as the secretive Bilderbergs, Whitehead said, and Hillary Clinton spoke at the last three major events for Google.
“You have John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager). Eric Schmidt. Google, Amazon,” he said. “They want world government. Hillary wants it, Obama wants it. So that is where it is heading.”
McGuire said the U.N. will always pick a “politically correct” situation in which to intervene.
It will not intervene to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, but it will intervene to protect transgenders, Islam or perceived racial bias by police.
That’s why U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the protection of civil rights during the Ferguson uprising in August 2014 even as rioters were looting, turning over police cars and burning buildings.
Gun control tops U.N. agenda for law enforcement
“Whatever the U.N. moves into, it’s always a politically correct situation. So when the Michael Brown protests were going on, the U.N. secretary general demanded that police adhered to what he called ‘U.S. and international standards,’ and he’s basically taking authority over local police forces,” McGuire said.
Another critical aspect of the U.N. agenda is universal gun registration and gun control.
“We all know that you have to get rid of the guns to bring in the dictatorship. Hitler did this, the Soviets did it,” McGuire said. “So they know that, and that’s why Hillary Clinton wants to overhaul gun laws and Obama is now talking about using executive actions to enact gun control.”
After finishing the research for his latest book, “The Babylon Code,” which he co-authored with journalist Troy Anderson, McGuire said he came to an unavoidable conclusion.
“I believe we are now reaching a tipping point that is going to happen very soon,” McGuire said. “It could happen overnight and most likely after a crisis event. The U.N. is already in control of a great deal, but we are going to see the U.N. come out of the shadows and openly exercise its authority over the United States. They will still have some kind of illusion of the United States for the masses, but I believe the elites are ready to bring global government out of the closet, and we’re going to see a very radical, aggressive change. They want to do this by 2030, and in Paris they’re going to announce another round of sweeping changes (in November) and then you look at all the trigger points, the Syrian war, the international debt crisis, etcetera.”
Using refugees, mass immigration to build ‘social cohesion?’
While the Strong Cities Network talks a lot on its website about “building social cohesion” in the world’s cities, the policies of the globalists are achieving just the opposite. They are using Islam and Muslim refugees to “break down social cohesion all over the world,” McGuire says, setting the stage for mass unrest. When the predictable violence breaks out, the solution will be police-state crackdowns.
“They’re using refugees in Germany to take over towns and cities. And here in U.S., they’re using refugees to wage war on the social cohesion of our society. So they’re going to slam-dunk the global government, and it will be a terrorist attack or financial crisis that triggers it,” McGuire said.
Author and blogger Pamela Geller also believes that the Strong Cities’ references to “building social cohesion” are a form of Orwellian Doublespeak. The real intent, she says, is to demonize and punish anyone who criticizes the growing Islamization of their community.
The term “social cohesion” is a “euphemism” for keeping peace between non-Muslim and Muslim communities – “mostly by making sure that non-Muslims don’t complain too loudly about, much less work against, rapidly expanding Muslim populations and the Islamization of their communities,” Geller writes.
According to the U.N.’s own data, more than 70 percent of “refugees” arriving in Europe are healthy Islamic men between the ages of 18 and 45.
“That’s an army. The Europeans aren’t stupid,” McGuire said. “They have strategically allowed this in collusion with the pope, who softened the people up with his statements, and so the purpose of this is, you’ve broken down the Euro-centric identity with European Western values.”
By forcibly injecting waves of Islamic migrants into Europe, the stage has been set for riots and violence.
“That will demand a police-state crack down,” McGuire said. “And the other half of the equation is you create Shariah law, and you break apart that non-Islamic consensus so Europe no longer has a European culture and is therefore more likely to assimilate into globalism.
“That synergistically with the Muslim refugees would produce anarchy throughout Europe that would demand an authoritarian police state takeover, and suddenly the U.N. is no longer a set of ‘would you please do this, or please do that’ type recommendations. You’ve created the trigger points and the crisis points. You’ve created on top of it a huge number of people who will always vote socialist. The same potential exists here as in Europe, a crisis and then an authoritarian U.N. government moving in to take control of the mayhem. It’s dark and dirty, and most people do not want to face it, but it’s a real danger.”
If anyone doubts that sinister motives lie behind efforts like the Strong Cities Network, McGuire says all they need do is study the words of the world’s most elite globalists, such as Henry Kissinger.
“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
– Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1991, as transcribed from a tape-recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.
Blood Moons, the Shemitah, Isaac Newton’s riddle are just a few things that we have heard about in the news recently that prophecy experts are pointing to as potential signals for the unofficial entry into the End Times.
Most people would agree that with each passing day we are one step closer to the end of world. The problem is no one really knows how much closer we really are.
Co-authors Paul McGuire, a prophecy expert, and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize nominee believe that a global political and financial coup will set the stage for the Last Days. Quite simply, their new book, The Babylon Code, foretells an international takeover by the world’s elite, one that reveals how secret forces are at work to create an apocalyptic puzzle that only they can solve.
The Babylon Code In The News : Blood Moons, the Shemitah, and the Babylon Code
I recently sat down with McGuire and Anderson to discuss what could be the key to both our survival and salvation, how Israel and the United States factor into the Last Days, and whether God embedded a secret code in Scripture that man must crack before its too late.
What was the driving force that led you gentlemen to writeThe Babylon Code?
Troy Anderson: We were trying to answer the question, are we really in the run-up to the End Times of the political and economic systems that the Bible talks about? What we discovered blew my mind.
Paul McGuire: This is a conspiratorial quote concept but it happens to be true. So, I can’t be afraid of it being conspiratorial. The international financial system is manipulated by a relatively small number of people. The political system is manipulated by a relatively small number of people. Having written about that in detail, I then began discussing this with Troy. Troy brings a different perspective because he has a hardcore journalism background. I’m more of a writer. His documentation is impeccable. We only use quality sources. The power of the team is our different strengths. In order to make this book really convincing to people who might be skeptical it needed powerful documentation. And Troy is a Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist.
For the sake of our conversation, simply put, do you believe we are living in the Last Days?
Paul McGuire: Yes, I am absolutely convinced that we are living in the Last Days and more prophetic signs are being fulfilled than ever before. However, those Last Days could be 100 or 200 years. Although I have an immediacy, I also have a sobriety of not jumping the gun just because the puzzle pieces seem to be fitting together. God could extend it. But we need to be prepared either way.
We have seen many books and movies over the years that have tried to address, woefully at times, the paradox of the End Times. At a really high level, what is your belief on how this will unfold?
McGuire: There is a plan to create an economic crisis, introduce a cashless society for the purpose of making the United States a regional global government, or a North American Union modeled after the European Union. All of this is moving very, very quickly. Accompanied with that is totalitarianism. We are morphing into this Orwellian world at a dizzying speed. But it is our hope that this will not be a gloom and doom book. We don’t want our readers paralyzed with fear or immobilized. We want to give them practical tools on what they can do.
Anderson: Some of the key things we found is that if you just go on the websites of different foundations, law schools, the United Nations Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of National Affairs, they openly say that the European Union is a model. They want to create ten regional systems like this around the world and eventually join them together to create what they call a Global Union. They actually use this terminology. There is now speculation that the United Nations is having a summit on sustainable development and climate change in September and December. Many people believe that that this could be a sort of rouse to take the initial steps to create this sort of global system. And it all sort of lines up with what the Bible talks about in terms of the revived Roman Empire, the final Babylonian system, that kind of thing.
In reading through your book, The Babylon Code, I sort of deduced that you are trying to answer a basic question. That is, did God embed a code in Scripture that can be unlocked by man in the End Times? True?
McGuire: Absolutely. First, let me say that the “code” that we believe in very much is first of all biblical. It’s not “extra-biblical” like a lot of these books, or gimmick books are trying to convey. The basic code is in the text of the Bible. For example, the story of the Tower of Babel or ancient Babylon is a model clearly of a one-world government, one-world economic system, one-world religion. We know that because God judged them. Why does God judge them? Because they want to be like God. It’s an anti-Christ system. So He judges them not because they are unified, not because He’s against global government, but because He’s against global government that’s in revolution against Him. A lot of Christian churches just bypass that whole story. However, it is a heads up warning from God. Now, we go into Revelation in the last days and we see the re-emergence of commercial Babylon and political Babylon. And we see that this Babylonian system in the Last Days is coming back very hard and heavy just like ancient Babylon as a commercial global system, global political system, and a global religious system.
Anderson: There is a way I like to describe this. In Daniel 12, the Bible talks about how the prophecies of the End Times will be sealed up until the end when only the wise would understand. Hal Lindsey actually cites that in The Late Great Planet Earth. The reason we call it the Babylon Code is that there is this prophetic mystery in the Bible that starts with ancient Babylon, the Tower of Babel, and the story of Nimrod. He is sort like the archetype of the anti-Christ. He also made the first attempt to create a global government. And then Babylon plays a major role in the books of the prophets. It’s both the instrument of God’s wrath and then God also promises because Babylon took the Jews into captivity … that Babylon would be repaid at the end of the age. Babylon re-emerges in the book of Revelation as mystery Babylon and Babylon the great. There are many different interpretations that Christianity has looked at over the years of what mystery Babylon is. We believe that it’s this global, economic, religious system that ultimately the anti-Christ will take control of during the tribulation.
Does Israel have a role in all of this? If so, how?
McGuire: Absolutely. As we wrote in the book, God made an everlasting covenant with Israel through Abraham. As you know, everlasting means everlasting. A lot of Christians don’t believe that but the Jews can’t do something that undoes the Covenant. They are given the legal right to the land as an everlasting covenant. Now, they get punished when they are bad but Israel is central. The other thing is that Jesus comes back to Jerusalem. Jerusalem will become the capital of Planet Earth. And of course it is prophesied that in the Last Days the Jews will be gathered into the land. That area, Israel, is a “cup of trembling” as it says in the Old Testament book of Zechariah. We see this in the news all the time. Eventually, all the armies of the earth will come against Jerusalem, or Israel, in the Last Days militarily and Jesus Christ will supernaturally defend it. There will be preludes to that such as the Psalm 83 war or what we read in Ezekial 38. Israel is crucial and is God’s prophetic “super-sign” and He is not finished with the Jews. Also, the Church has not replaced Israel.
How about the United States of America?
McGuire: Yes. My belief is God is not finished with America yet. There are a lot of people that say that the sins of America are so great that God’s finished with America. That is very presumptuous because I’m not infinite and they are not infinite. So, how can we determine that God is finished with America? Number two is the very fact that you and I and Troy are having this conversation. That is evidence to the fact that God’s grace is being poured out on America. Your message and the mediums that you write and speak in will potentially reach a million people. That is an opportunity for grace. Plus, the Bible doesn’t teach fatalism. It doesn’t teach us to give up, hide somewhere, or sit on the couch. One of the messages of the book is that we believe that if God’s people will stop playing church and they really stand in the gap as God requires us to and seek His face, we really believe that God very much wants to supernaturally intervene in the affairs of America and keep it from self-destructing. But it is conditional upon God’s people repenting and seeking His face.
Anderson: Our hope with this is that many people are wondering what is going to happen, even this year. You’ve got the last of the four blood moons, the biblical Shemitah, Isaac Newton’s riddle, several United Nations summits, various treaties and laws happening, all of these things are converging at the same time. People want to know whether something big is coming … an economic collapse, a war in the Middle East … we don’t know how much time there is left. It’s like the apostle Paul said. It could be decades or centuries away but the consensus of all these people we interviewed is that we are either in the run-up to the End Times that the Bible predicts or we are approaching the end of human civilization because of climate change, over population, and the threat of nuclear war. There is an urgency to this so we want to get the message out there of all these faith leaders who are saying that it is time to come back to God, repent of our sins, and lets do what’s right.
The Amazon #1 Hot New Release/Christian Prophecy and Christian Theology. ORDER PAUL McGUIRE & TROY ANDERSON'S EXCITING NEW BOOK "THE BABYLON CODE" TODAY & RECEIVE 25%OFF!
The United Nations 2030 Agenda endorsed by President Obama, Pope Francis and the U.N. General Assembly brings the world one giant step closer to true global governance.
The Babylon Code In The News : Obama Puts U.S. On ‘Fast Track’ To World Government
The U.N. document approved Sunday in New York, “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” includes in its preamble the call for a “new universal agenda” for all of humanity.
But one big question looms.
How does such an ambitious plan get implemented?
The plan bypasses Congress and the legislatures of the world’s other 193 nations. Yet, the heads of state agreed to work toward implementation, largely through secret trade deals and backroom bureaucratic rule-making, experts told WND.
Very few members of Congress have likely even read the U.N. document that Obama has agreed to implement, says one expert in globalism.
“The only thing they are lacking right now is a sufficient crisis big enough to win enthusiastic public support in America and other nations in the world for full-on global governance,” says Paul McGuire, a Fox News and History Channel contributor and co-author of the new release, “Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Time Mystery.”
The U.N. document focuses on ending poverty and gender inequality, combating climate change and opening up borders to migrants and refugees.
“But, remember, the elite who are behind this are experts at manufactured crisis and their motto is ordo ab chao, which means ‘order out of chaos.’ This was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike,” McGuire told WND. “The new global order will be birthed by either a global financial crisis, the prospect of World War III involving Islam, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis.”
To address these crises, world leaders at the U.N. put their stamp of approval on a 15-year plan, the so-called 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — a proposal some observers believe could be the first step toward the global superstate and cashless society predicted by biblical prophets.
“The real agenda of the globalist elite through all these ‘sustainable development’ and ‘social justice’ programs are to create a new global state,” says McGuire.
His book, co-authored with journalist Troy Anderson, takes an investigative approach to examining end-times prophecies and the current state of the world in the epic battle between good and evil.
“We read in the book of Revelation that in the last days Babylon will return as a ‘born-again’ world government, religion and economic system. What is happening now with the United Nations is Babylon rising again before our very eyes.”
Cliff Kincaid, director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, also has his eye on Pope Francis and the Vatican.
While the media paid great attention to the pope kissing babies and hugging adoring Americans, it gave little if any coverage to the real story of his visit, which was to endorse the U.N.’s march toward a new international order under the guise of “sustainable development,” Kincaid says in a recent article for AIM.
This agenda promises to radically affect the individual lives of ordinary Americans, yet they are being kept in the dark about its details.
The stated purpose of the U.N. “high panel’s” report is to “transform economies through sustainable development.”
The only American on this panel was John Podesta, former top climate-change adviser for Obama and now chairman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Podesta is also a member in the elitist Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and founder of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress.
“In addition to destroying the American system, the recommendations of this so-called high-level body, especially on the matter of ‘climate action,’ could also have a dramatic impact on the lives of people around the world, including the poor, who need access to energy and real economic development to escape poverty,” Kincaid writes.
According to Patrick Wood, author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” the whole “sustainable development” meme is a ploy to replace capitalism and free enterprise with a global socialist system based on resource allocation and energy usage rather than on supply and demand and free-market activity.
Wood said the proposed “transformation” of the world’s current economic system “for a completely untried and untested one” is “dangerously absurd” and could make life worse for the people that the U.N. and Roman Catholic Church are supposed to help.
“Any honest economist would instantly balk at such Pollyannaish promises of utopia, and the American public should do so as well,” Wood told Kincaid. “The fact is that these wild promises of prosperity for all are merely the candy coating to deceive the world into going along with its own economic destruction.”
And the pope is fully on board with the U.N. plan to escort the world into global governance. Kincaid observes:
“In a pitch for global socialism, masked in flowery language, Francis, who insisted on his way to the U.S. that he was not a liberal, said, ‘I would like all men and women of good will in this great nation to support the efforts of the international community to protect the vulnerable in our world and to stimulate integral and inclusive models of development, so that our brothers and sisters everywhere may know the blessings of peace and prosperity which God wills for all his children.’”
He adds that while the pope says nice things about the poor, “the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death.”
Journalist and retired English professor Jerry B. Kane, writing about the 2030 Agenda in an article for Canada Free Press, notes that this new U.N. plan for humanity is more sweeping than the former plan, known as Agenda 21, which dealt mostly with the environment.
The preamble to the 2030 Agenda, which many see as the replacement for Agenda 21, specifically calls for an overhaul of the world’s “three dimensions of sustainable development,” which it lists as “the economic, social and environmental.”
It then gives 17 goals and 167 targets that must be met by all nations.
“Nearly every nation in the world is expected to sign on to the 2030 Agenda,” Kane writes. “But what happens to the nations that won’t sign on or go along with the plan? Or better yet, what happens to freedom of conscience, individual liberty, and free enterprise in those nations that do go along?”
‘One crisis away’
The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, McGuire said.
“The U.N. vote is about to put America and the world on the fast track to a one-world government,” he told WND. “We are literally just one crisis away from that happening. It could happen overnight, and I don’t think most people realize this.”
In fact, the Telegraph, a major British newspaper, reported this week that the IMF was warning of just such an event, with a “mass default” in emerging markets where global corporations are exposed to weak economic conditions.
The trigger could be higher U.S. interest rates.
These corporations have “gorged themselves on cheap debt,” the IMF warned. But the rug will eventually be pulled out by the Federal Reserve, causing a cascading collapse.
Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, Obama argued that it is necessary for the U.S. to retreat as a world superpower so that global governance can rise up in its place.
Obama rejected arguments that “strong states must impose their will” or that “might makes right” and “order must be imposed by force.”
But what are the ideals in the U.N. charter that Obama proposes take the place of a superpower America?
What will global government look like?
For a clue on what global government will look like, McGuire says the real agenda was exposed by Lord Monckton, the former science adviser to Margaret Thatcher and now an exclusive columnist for WND.
Monckton warned on Oct. 14, 2009, that the true agenda of the U.N. climate treaty and Agenda 21 is to create an all-powerful world government and to transfer wealth from Western nations to Third World nations through the force of new U.N.-sponsored international laws.
One of the ways to do this redistribution is by allowing Third World refugees to migrate freely into the industrialized nations of the West.
“Monckton summed it all up when he said; the goal of the U.N. is to impose communist world government on the world,” McGuire said.
The world is now at a “tipping point” for this new system to be installed, he said.
“We see the world being deliberately brought to the brink of a financial crisis that is created through debt to the central banks in Europe and the Federal Reserve system in the United States,” McGuire said. “The economies of the world have been strategically impacted by trillions of dollars in debt, the slowing of economic growth due to U.N. sustainable development policies and the impossible demands of attempting to pay off these debts through higher taxes.”
These governments are obligated to pay pensions, retirement programs and other benefits to their people while their economies have been stagnating under the weight of socialist economic policies.
The sovereign debt crisis that started in Greece and Cypress will spread like a contagion through Europe and the U.S. And the growing wealth disparity is creating conditions where the people of the world, including the former American middle class, will cry out for socialist-style economic policies.
As Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF said, “a reboot of the global financial system is needed.” This may include a new world currency and a cashless society.
Islam’s role in creating new world order
To create a crisis that enables their new global order to be implemented, McGuire believes the elites have been stoking and manipulating the rise of worldwide Islam.
The Wahhabi sect, which is the most militant branch of Sunni Islam, is heavily financed by Saudi Arabia through its vast oil reserves, discovered near the Persian Gulf in 1939. The al-Saud dynasty later made a deal with the Rockefeller oil companies and in order for the dynasty to keep its power it had to agree to finance Wahhabism, McGuire said.
Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, created the rebirth of a militant Shia movement.
The growth of both sects of militant Islam are connected to U.S., European, Russian and American oil interests, McGuire said.
“Since the late 1970s when Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, was helping train Osama bin Laden, the hands of the globalists have been all over the growth of militant Islam,” he said. “It appears Islam is being used as a destabilizing force in both Europe and the United States designed to breakdown a cohesive Judeo-Christian culture.”
Islam and liberal Christianity ‘moving closer’
McGuire said he’s received confidential reports from inside Germany regarding the flood of immigrants into Europe. Many inside Germany believe this was pre-planned with the pope’s appeal last year for Islam to move closer to Christianity.
More than 8,000 Muslims per day are entering Europe from various routes. They are creating violence and chaos, and the U.N. has said there is no end in sight with regard to the arrival of new migrants.
“Civil unrest is ready to explode, and the people are crying out for some kind of police state to manage the chaos, which appears to be the plan all along,” McGuire told WND.
McGuire believes the U.N. plan using climate change as a global crisis goes all the way back to 1992 and the U.N.’s Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A crisis as big as the world’s “climate” had to be manufactured and hyped by the world’s media before the U.N. could put forth an aggressive agenda calling for some kind of global government.
Using secret trade deals
“Beginning at the U.N.’s Earth Summit, the U.N. has used climate change, sustainable development and Agenda 21 as a Trojan horse to grab power. During the Sept. 25-27 summit, the U.N. presented its new 15-year plan to transform the world. What this transformation is really all about is forcing sovereign nations, including the United States, to surrender its rights under U.N. law and a U.N. global government,” McGuire said.
And that’s where the trade deals Congress allowed the Obama administration to secretly negotiate come into play.
“All the secret trade treaties that our government and other governments are signing are really all about circumventing our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and placing the United States and its citizens under the rule of U.N. law,” McGuire said.
“This is extremely dangerous because U.N. law, despite using terms like ‘human rights,’ offers no secure legal protection of the freedoms and rights we have guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights,” he said. “The Declaration of Independence states that we have been given, ‘certain inalienable rights by our Creator.’ This means that God, and not any human government, has given our rights and freedoms to us and, therefore, no human government has the right to take them away.”
The U.N. Convention on Human Rights claims to offer protections for people’s rights.
The U.S. Bill of Rights gives “freedom of religion,” “freedom of speech,” “freedom of the press,” etc. The U.N. gives similar rights and freedoms that can be taken away at any time and for any reason by human government.
“This is exactly the same strategy that the planners of the European Union like Jean Monnet used in destroying the rights and national sovereignty of individual European nations,” McGuire said. “Monnet and others created simple ‘trade treaties’ regarding coal and steel and would bury in these treaties subtle legal language that began the process of ending the rights of the independent European nations.”
Through a succession of such trade treaties, “the Europeans woke up one day and discovered they had lost their basic rights and freedoms and they were now legally forced to surrender their national sovereignty and accept the dictates of a European Union, but it was all done by stealth,” he continued. “This is exactly what is happening in the U.S. today with various trade treaties and the U.N. This is one of the reasons why John Boehner is going to resign because he is secretly signing away our constitutional rights along with other members of both political parties. And when the American people finally wake up, it will too late.”
When Obama said at the United Nations, “We cannot look backward,” and emphasized that global integration is an agenda that transcends the narrowly defined interests of nation states, he was revealing his belief that a sovereign nation like America must be brought down so a new global order can rise.
“President Obama is not acting alone when he said at the U.N., ‘Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international law, we will not succeed,’” McGuire said. “What Obama and prominent leaders in both the Republican and Democratic Parties are currently in the process of doing is moving America away from the authority of U.S. constitutional law and placing us under the authority of international law through a series of secret trade treaties that no one can read.”
The late CBS anchorman, Walter Cronkite, known as “the most trusted man in America,” said in 1999, that the U.S. must give the United Nations the full power of a world government and both a police and military to enforce its international laws. Cronkite also said that America must give up its sovereignty for this U.N. world government to take over.
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The Babylon Code Hits The New Release Table at Barnes & Noble
Find out more in The Babylon Code -- the "#1 New Release in Christian Prophecy" books on Amazon -- at www.faithwords.com/babyloncode Our investigative book will be released Oct. 6. The book will be on the new releases table at Barnes & Noble beginning Oct. 13, Christian bookstores are planning special displays and Walmat and Target are carrying The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery.
Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson : Visiting Dr. Tom Horn’s Ranch (SkyWatch TV)
Find out more in The Babylon Code -- the "#1 New Release in Christian Prophecy" books on Amazon -- at www.faithwords.com/babyloncode Our investigative book will be released Oct. 6. The book will be on the new releases table at Barnes & Noble beginning Oct. 13, Christian bookstores are planning special displays and Walmat and Target are carrying The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery.
Charisma magazine won six awards at the Florida Magazine Association's Charlie Awards gala in Orlando this weekend, including two Charlie Awards for Best Overall Writing and Best Cover.
Charisma won the Charlie Award for Best Cover for "The Mystery of the Shemitah" issue in October 2014 about Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's New York Times best-selling book of the same name.
Charisma won the Best Overall Writing Charlie Award for the "Jesus Goes to Hollywood," "The Healing Miracles Preacher" and "The Mystery of the Shemitah" issues.
The gala was held at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate as Charisma is celebrating its 40th anniversary this month.
"We are thankful to be recognized for excellence," says Dr. Steve Greene, the publisher of Charisma Media and executive vice president of the Media Group. "While we don't do what we do for awards or recognition it's nice when our colleagues recognize the work of our content development team. To God be the glory."
In addition to the Charlie Awards, Charisma won a Best Cover Silver Award for the "Jesus Goes to Hollywood" cover in April, a Best Feature Design Bronze Award for the "Is Hollywood Following the Script?" design in the same issue, and a Best Overall Design Silver Award for the July 2014, August 2014 and April issues. Charisma also won the Best Overall Magazine Silver Award for the April, January and October issues.
Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional – Scripture Matthew 24:42-44 (NKJV)
Daily Devotional - Scripture Matthew 24:42-44 (NKJV) BY TROY ANDERSON - September 24, 2015 (#47) “Love God, Love People and Serve the World” “愛上帝,愛人民,服務世界”
Welcome to Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional - Scripture Matthew 24:42-44 (NKJV). We are very glad that you are reading this Bible verse today. We pray that through our daily devotional you'll be blessed, grow closer to the Lord and find wisdom, strength, peace and comfort. 歡迎來到特洛伊·安德森的靈修經文。我們很高興你今天讀這篇經文。 我們祈禱,通過我們每天的靈修,你會得到賜福,成長更接近上帝,找到智慧,力量,和平和安慰。
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. 因此,你們要警醒,因為不知道你們的主甚麼時候要來。 你們都知道,家主若曉得竊賊晚上甚麼時候會來,就會提高警覺,不讓他摸進屋裡。 所以,你們也要準備妥當,因為在想不到的時候,人子就來了。
Please like and share! Help us to spread the Word by sharing today's passage with family and friends. Have a blessed day full of peace, love and joy. Enjoy God's abundant blessings. 請喜歡與大家共享! 幫助我們傳播分享今天神的話語給家人和朋友。祝你一天都充滿愛,和平和喜樂, 願上帝的賜福滿滿給你。
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Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional – Scripture Matthew 24:42-44(NKJV)
Today's Daily Devotional -Scripture Matthew 24:42-44(NKJV)
1. We can give God our devotion 2. We get direction from God 3. We gain strength 4. We stand still 5. It brings our family together 6. We gain delight in God 7. We get to know Jesus personally 9. We grow more like God 10. It’s good for your health
1. Realize that personal devotions have to be a choice.
2. Do devotions as soon as you wake up
3. Have a set place for devotion and certain ideas on how you will "do" devotion.
4. Start by listening to God, read the Bible and spend time meditating on it.
5. Involve prayer in your meditation; you can pray verses or converse with God while reading the Bible; just make sure you are also listening to what God might be saying.
6. Set out to read a passage of Scripture rather than a verse or two, context is important; but if you do find that one verse has a lot to say to you allow yourself the flexibility to meditate it.
7. Do not beat yourself up about missing a daily devotion; make sure you complete it later in the day if at all possible, God is not an angry dictator but loves you enough to understand.