Foreword to The Military Guide to Disarming Deception by Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson
By Dr. Robert Jeffress
Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, and host of the syndicated Pathway to Victory show
It is no secret that deception today is running rampant throughout the earth.
When Jesus Christ’s disciples asked Him two thousand years ago about “the sign of your coming and of the end of the age,” He told them, “Watch out that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:3–4).
I am convinced that The Military Guide to Disarming Deception by Colonel David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize–nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson will help you and your family not only stand firm against the lies of the enemy in the last days, but to discern and combat the propaganda, disinformation and deceptive ideologies that have infiltrated the Church and society.
This is a life-changing, hard-hitting and deeply insightful book that will help you rise in confident biblical assurance, applying military and spiritual intelligence disciplines to your life, to become an on-fire disciple of Christ and soldier in the army of the Lord.
Today the forces of darkness are amassing in battle array. Satan and his hordes know their time is short; and as the last days approach, they are pulling out all the stops, not just to deceive the world but to bring deception to the Church. They are launching an all-out attack against the Word of God and the Church.
Never in history has there been so critical a time for us to understand God’s Word and to prepare ourselves and our loved ones for the war against the people of God.
I am concerned that many will be swept away by the deception and lies the enemy is using to set the global stage for the Antichrist, the false prophet and the mark of the Beast economic system.
As the New World Order approaches, it is time for a new paradigm as God prepares us for spiritual battle in the end times. This book is one of the key tools God is using to keep us informed, ready and triumphant. There are no better experts to show us the way than Giammona and Anderson. Their riveting book will provide you with the biblical keys to engage the enemy with the weapons of our warfare (see 2 Corinthians 10:4), helping you walk in the unstoppable and miraculous power and protection of the Holy Spirit in an age of deceit and confusion.
As I read through the book, I was struck by how the military prepares its forces for the deceptive tactics of its enemies. It is no different for the Church. We need to be armed to fight our spiritual enemies and the extreme propaganda and other deceptions now upon us. This book gives you insights, knowledge and practical exercises at the end of every chapter that you and your family will need to disarm deception and lawlessness.
This book is a powerful follow-on to the national bestseller by Giammona and Anderson—The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times. Dramatic and cataclysmic events are unfolding on planet earth in these end times.
Make no mistake about it. Because we are at war with powerful forces of darkness, we no longer have the luxury to sit back and watch from the sidelines. Preachers need to reassess their worldview and messages to call their followers to action. Believers need to reevaluate their lives in light of eternity and the impact they must have on this lost and dying world.
Read this book to be changed, inspired, stimulated and, most of all, challenged. If you are like me, you will not want to put it down before absorbing every word.
As plagues, pestilences, wars and rumors of war run throughout this world, we need new direction, fresh ideas, inspired words and Holy Spirit focus to live a life directed by Jesus Himself. Here you will find how to use the weapons of our warfare to prepare for battle and to understand the fog of war. There is even a chapter called “Night-Vision Goggles” that will help you detect and overcome the deception all around us.
You will be captivated by numerous examples of the warrior ethos in Bible characters such as David, Moses, Elijah, Daniel and others. Scripture references abound, giving us the foundation on which to build the army of the Lord—or, as I say, Adonai’s army.
I was fascinated to read an observation in the introduction that, in the military, everyone has heard a thousand times: Complacency can kill you. We need to prepare for the unexpected. Deception will keep us complacent and actually ensure our demise if we are negligent in our approach to life. Understanding the enemy’s deceptive strategies is the key to gaining wisdom and defeating the devil. Giammona and Anderson show us with real-life and personal inspirational stories, as well as written guidelines, how to become battle ready.
In recent years the Church has been dedicated to making converts, but not disciples trained to avoid the pitfalls of deception and ready for spiritual combat.
This book is the training manual for the coming revival and revolution of the Church. Many today are talking of revival. My concern is what happens after the revival ends. This book answers the question “Then what?”
Join us in the worldwide revolution of the Church that, in these end times, will fight the powers of darkness, win the many and enlist disciples as warriors for our Messiah.
Continue reading a free excerpt from Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s new book, The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy’s Lies and Triumph in Truth, at http://cdn.bakerpublishinggroup.com/processed/book-resources/files/Excerpt_9780800762582.pdf?1651022507.
The book will be released worldwide on August 9. It’s available now for pre-order via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker Book House, Audible, Books-A-Million, Hudson Booksellers, Target, Walmart, Google, Parable, Mardel, Munce and most anywhere books are sold. The Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group website features links to all these sites. Find out more at http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-military-guide-to-disarming-deception/411290 or visit www.troyanderson.us, www.davidjgiammona.com and www.battle-ready.org.
Here are some links to pre-order The Military Guide to Disarming Deception:
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-military-guide-to-disarming-deception-col-david-j-giammona/1140355619?ean=9780800762582
Baker Book House: https://bakerbookhouse.com/products/412533?gclid=CjwKCAiAjoeRBhAJEiwAYY3nDET2qlvvzU7bAAWnmRZ1nrTlRjufegpPuRq6E5VlLpG7UIjvPeNrIBoC27wQAvD_BwE
If you haven’t read our first book, our #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times, you can read a free excerpt at http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-military-guide-to-armageddon/404490, www.troyanderson.us and www.battle-ready.org.
It hit #129 out of 33 million books on Amazon and #150 on Barnes & Noble shortly after its release on January 5, 2021. It became a #1 “Best Seller” in the “Christian Spiritual Warfare,” “Christian Eschatology” and “Christian Inspirational” categories on Amazon. It’s been a #1 “Best Seller” on Amazon multiple times since then.
Battle Ready “Warrior Training” Conferences
Battle Ready Ministries President Col. David Giammona and Vice President Troy Anderson have been speaking at churches and conferences across the country since the release of their #1 bestseller, The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times.
Find out more about Battle Ready Ministries at www.battle-ready.org.
If your church, conference or venue would like to invite Giammona and Anderson to speak, or host a Battle Ready Ministries conference, contact Anderson at troyanderson.writer@gmail.com, battle-ready.org@gmail.com or 949-887-1511 to find out more.
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Battle Ready Ministries is helping awaken and prepare believers for the end times with articles, videos, conferences, speaking engagements, newsletters, books, media interviews and now an upcoming study guide to accompany The Military Guide to Armageddon that churches and small groups will be able to use to join the Army of God and help bring in the “final harvest.”
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With you in battle!
Troy Anderson
Vice President and COO
Battle Ready Ministries
14271 Jeffrey Road, #257
Irvine, CA 92620