Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional – Scripture James 1:5-6 (NIV)
Daily Devotional - Scripture James 1:5-6 (NIV)
BY TROY ANDERSON - October 14, 2015 (#67)
“Love God, Love People and Serve the World”
Welcome to Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional - Scripture James 1:5-6 (NIV).
We are very glad that you are reading this Bible verse today. We pray that through our daily devotional you'll be blessed, grow closer to the Lord and find wisdom, strength, peace and comfort.
Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional Scripture
James 1:5-6 (NIV)
雅各書 1:5-6 (新譯本CNVT)
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
你們中間若有人缺少智慧,就當向那厚賜眾人,而且不斥責人的 神祈求,他就必得著。 可是,他應該憑著信心祈求,不要有疑惑;因為疑惑的人,就像被風吹蕩翻騰的海浪。
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幫助我們傳播分享今天神的話語給家人和朋友。祝你一天都充滿愛,和平和喜樂, 願上帝的賜福滿滿給你。
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Troy Anderson’s Daily Devotional – Scripture James 1:5-6 (NIV)
Today's Daily Devotional - Scripture James 1:5-6 (NIV)
Top 10 Benefits of Reading Daily Devotionals
Top 10 Benefits of Daily Devotions
1. We can give God our devotion
2. We get direction from God
3. We gain strength
4. We stand still
5. It brings our family together
6. We gain delight in God
7. We get to know Jesus personally
9. We grow more like God
10. It’s good for your health
Why you should memorize God’s Word?
1. It’s the number one tool for resisting temptation.
2. It helps you make wise decisions.
3. It strengthens you when you’re under stress.
4. It comforts you when you’re sad.
5. It helps you witness to unbelievers.
How To Have A Personal Christian Devotion
1. Realize that personal devotions have to be a choice.
2. Do devotions as soon as you wake up
3. Have a set place for devotion and certain ideas on how you will "do" devotion.
4. Start by listening to God, read the Bible and spend time meditating on it.
5. Involve prayer in your meditation; you can pray verses or converse with God while reading the Bible; just make sure you are also listening to what God might be saying.
6. Set out to read a passage of Scripture rather than a verse or two, context is important; but if you do find that one verse has a lot to say to you allow yourself the flexibility to meditate it.
7. Do not beat yourself up about missing a daily devotion; make sure you complete it later in the day if at all possible, God is not an angry dictator but loves you enough to understand.
8. Keep a devotional journal.
9. Go through a few questions before starting
10. Enjoy the relationship.